Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Things I am Seeing - Asymmetric Invasion

 In my series "The Things I am Seeing", I like to mention something is generating a big concern to me and many others.


The subject is the US Southern Border and the "illegal immigration". No doubts it is a complex subject to analyze biz-a-biz the US idiosyncrasy about this particular topic.


Traditionally, and for many many years, the US territory has been considered the most attractive destination for immigrants from all over the world. In fact, the phrase "The American Dream" is part of this way of thinking. Based on this believe, not only people from South America or the Caribbean but also from Europe, Asia and Northern Africa have been attracted to this possibility. Of course, through the time have been factors that stimulate the flow of immigrants around the world as a consequence of wars, political crisis or natural disasters. The point is that this flow of immigrants must be analyzed according to the historical context of each particular timeframe.


The key word from the above paragraphs is "context" in order to analyze the situation today. What is the global context today?


  • Latin America and the Caribbean Basin:

This region is being politically penetrated by the so called "XXI Century Socialism" that has already destroyed Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, Nicaragua, Haiti, and it is strongly moving to eventually destroy Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Brazil just to mention a few.

  • The Middle East:

This region has been for years affected by conflicts of any kind. Currently, there is a war between Israel and many terrorist cells that surround that country and actioning terrorist acts every time they have an opportunity to do so.

  • Europe:

There is war generated by the Russian invasion to Ukraine with the possibility to escalate to a global level if NATO gets involved.

  • Asia:

This region is in constant treat generated by China and its proxy, North Korea. Among other subjects, the possibility of China to invade Taiwan.


All described regional circumstances has two common factors: the influence of China and Russia and their desperate need of expansion and control. They do not like each other but they unify forces against their greatest enemy: United States of America. Why the enemy to defeat is US? It is simple, because US represents Freedom and Democracy; two concepts that jeopardize the ambitions of these two nations.


Coming back to the subject, the Southern Border of the US; the situation is tragic for the Latin Americans that have been suffering the destruction of their countries; and, very dangerous for the stability of the US as sovereign nation.


What US is really suffering is an "Asymmetric Invasion" with the final objective of destabilizing US politically and economically. How?, utilizing the misery from a desperate population in Latin America and use them to infiltrate terrorism inside the US. In this case, the word terrorism should be expanded to a new kind of terrorism generated by organized criminal bands which act massively in all kind of possible legal offenses that can be committed.


The problem is not simple, there is a coordination that oversees this Asymmetric Invasion; the level of this coordination requires the strength of the big players: Russia and China together with all their proxies.


I wonder if Homeland Security has realized that Venezuela and all African countries as well as Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, China and all African Countries requires VISA to visit Mexico. Costa Rica, Panama and Mexico requires VISA from Venezuela. Colombia requires VISA from all African Countries. If this is the case, How is it possible that this multitude of "immigrants" freely circulate through Central America and Mexico to reach US border? Why the Mexican Government allows those multitudes of illegals in Mexico to freely circulate towards US Border?


And the big and final question is how the current US Administration is allowing this to happen?


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