Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Myth of the US Social Security System

With the coming of the 2012 political year because of the elections, politicians tents to bring to the top everything that could help then to gain news coverage. Well, among other subjects there is one that attracts the attention of many because of its influence in their own lives. This is the US Social Security System (SS System) and its apparent failure.

Before I start with the subject, I would like to share something that I use to comment in my classes every time that I have the chance: the single most important step to accomplish when someone is trying to solve any problem is actually to identify what the problem is! It might sound obvious but, particularly in politics (or demagogy rather), it is incredible how much resource are waste solving problems that don’t even exist. The Social Security System in many politicians mind is one of these cases.

Humanity for the past century have been subjected to a “dynamics”, and increasingly accelerated pace changing environment, making things that were good once not so good later on. This means that initially many things work perfectly well until conditions started to change, those conditions where originally assumed either statics (non changing) or, probably, because at that time we don’t even know about their existence. However, depending on the subject: the natural environment, advances in science, new technologies, even changes in human behavior and politics may create new conditions and constraints that makes old practices to lose validity through the time. In fact, this is an accelerated process that moves very quickly.

The US Social Security System is not an exception. The Social Security System was initially created under certain premises that at the time were not considered “dynamics” (static through the time). But, again, reality behaves differently; the truth of the matter is that The SS System has been subjected to a very strong and accelerated dynamics. Some of these dynamic factors are:

·      Changes in the basic factors that affect the composition of the US population; these factors are:
o   Birth rates: while during the WWII and the post war, US was subjected to an exceptional high birth rate that through the years, as many other developed countries, has sharply decreased.
o   On the other hand, with the improvement of the medicine science, prevention, and other related factors; live expectancy has also increased sharply. This means alone, that “retired” people or SS beneficiaries population segment is also growing.
·      Besides the natural elements that drive population behavior, there are other factors non-natural or rather political factors. These factors are:
o   One important non-natural factor is immigration. The immigration, for a country like US, is a major one element to consider. It could also be considered a political component since politicians have been trough the years have suffered of “myopia” in relation to the immigration growth specifically, the illegal one. This phenomenon alone is adding a substantial number of SS dependents.
o   The other, not least important element, is political demagogy that have been creating a new class of individuals that once they try the benefits of the system become lazy and dependable thus creating a heavy load that the rest of the population have to pay for.

As a matter of illustration, but utilizing actual data, it was created a model to visualize what has been happening with the composition of the population. In our model, we segmented the population in three different major groups: younger population (between 0 and 18 years old) not supporting the SS System; working class population (between 19 and 65 years old) the supporting class for the SS System; and, the SS dependent population (66 and older) mostly dependable from the SS. The graphic illustrates how the proportions for each of the mentioned segments of the population have been changing through the years. It is clear that the growing segment (proportionally) is precisely the one associated to the most dependable population from the SS System. It is important to keep in mind that since we are talking about proportions this is a “0 Sum Game”. In other words, while there are more people demanding SS benefits; there are less providing resources to it.

In addition to the above, the growth of the US population as a whole have also slowed down its pace conceivably; these factors are moving the average age from 34 in 1994 to about 37 in 2010. Which is something actually good if we see the problem with the “sustainability” concept optics. This might be another interesting article to develop.

As a conclusion, I believe this is really neither good nor bad; and for sure, it should not be used as a political argument to blame anybody. This is something that just happened and that we have to learn from.

Now, what politicians have to do is understand what the problem really is with the System and fix it. The sooner the better since the way it is working is not sustainable.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Wild Capitalism

This is amazing that even here in the US, the nest of the capitalism, there are people talking about the evil “Wild Capitalism”. Well, looks like a banana country expression but there is a conceivable large sector particularly associated to this current government that feels very much identified with such a demagogic expression.

The truth of the matter is that this is BS. It is human nature to be “wild capitalist” to prove my thesis I just want to use a couple of simple illustrations to argue it:

·      What happen when a consumer, a regular one, decides to go shopping and finds one of these stores with matching price policies? Well, the answer is simple, the consumer takes advantage of the offer and purchase whatever product he (her) was looking for. Did this person cares about the other competitor that had the matching price? Guess what, this consumer couldn’t care less about that competitor even if this is about to go to bankruptcy. That is just reality!
·      Another case might be an individual that thanks to his (her) effort and hard work gets a promotion at work together with a substantial salary raise. That very same night, the President announces a tax hike at his (her) bracket level; and during the same announcement The President justified the tax increase because of the government need to increment the welfare to whom might need it. This reminds our fellow individual that his (her) drunken next-door neighbor has 5 years taking advantage of such welfare with no intention to make an effort to find a job. Guess what, our individual will adversely reacts to such announcement.

Ok, above we have a couple of simple examples of evil “wild capitalism” in action!

The truth is that we are inhabitants of an imperfect world full of imperfect people. The reality is that no matter what, market will domain. There always will be someone that produce innovative better products and cheaper; and this “someone” will attract consumers and investors with them all their money. These “someone’s” are the ones that generate wealth and jobs for the masses.

On the contrary, and no matter what, those nations that goes through socialism; eventually but sooner than later will face the dilemma to move back to capitalism or accept the chaos and its consequences. The reason is simple; Nations cannot afford, in the long run, an elephant size government where the bureaucracy and corruption erupts like a terrible cancer that eventually devours the whole economy.

If we really care and want to create a sustainable society, we have to find a way to make education available to anyone; however and ultimately, it will be anybody’s choice to take advantage of such an opportunity. For the time everybody makes their best effort pursuing their dreams at that time we will become a real mature and advanced society.

Because of the above we should not forget Mr. Winston Churchill’s words when he said: “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery”.

Friday, September 2, 2011

El Síndrome de la Cachifa

Ya desde hace varios años mi esposa y yo hemos estado tratando de definir lo que sería el “Síndrome de la Cachifa”, el propósito de este ensayo es el describir o más bien desarrollar lo que este fenómeno significa.

Quizás sería bueno comenzar por definir qué es una “cachifa”. Lo primero es que dicha palabra no existe en el diccionario de la Real Academia Española; sin embargo, el diccionario urbano la define como: “Dícese, de la persona empleada para las labores del hogar”. Originalmente tenía un tono despectivo por lo que se decía silenciosamente como para no ofender pero en la actualidad se utiliza abiertamente; aunque sigue teniendo un tono despectivo. Cabe aclarar que este término es originario de Venezuela; presumo que en otros países latinoamericanos utilizan otros términos aunque el concepto es bastante común en esta región.

Para efectos de este análisis me voy a enfocar en Venezuela que es el país que más conozco que sufre de este síndrome; sin embargo, presumo que gente de otras naciones podrían identificarse con la situación que presento a continuación.

La cachifa para los venezolanos es algo así como un esclavo(a) del siglo XXI. A razón de una tarifa mensual, este personaje se enclaustra (literalmente) en la casa de la familia que la contrata para servir a ésta a toda hora. Normalmente se les deja salir un fin de semana si y otro no; por supuesto, dependiendo de los compromisos que pudiesen tener los patrones durante los días en cuestión. Mientras tanto, las “cachifas” deben poner a un lado sus propias familias para poder atender apropiadamente a sus patrones.

Lo arriba descrito es una práctica que lleva muchos años en estas sociedades latinoamericanas; y que no son más que la práctica masiva de tomar ventaja de la miseria de un grupo de la población para bienestar de otros. Infortunadamente, esto ha conllevado a que se demarquen mas las distancias entre niveles sociales y peor aún entre niveles de educación; esto último acentuando y limitando más las posibilidades de desarrollo de estas sociedades.

Paralelamente a lo anterior, las familias que han tenido el privilegio de recibir una educación excepcional se han desarrollado en un ambiente donde se tergiversan todo los principios de una sociedad moderna y desarrollada; donde se propicie la educación de todos los sectores. Entendiendo que una sociedad educada estimula la creación de riqueza donde a la larga se beneficia todo el mundo. Por cierto, esto no tiene que ver con principios socialistas; por el contrario, cuando una sociedad es altamente educada, ésta participa y propicia la maquinaria capitalista y con ello la generación de bienes y servicios.

Continuando, esta sociedad “educada” que se ha desarrollado en este ambiente es la misma que ha venido gerenciando el desarrollo del país. Esa misma sociedad donde la patrona dice: “la cachifa es el sostén de la familia por que si no fuera por ella mi matrimonio no hubiera durado”; o como el patrón dice: “la cachifa está bien buena y cuando mi esposa no está ella me atiende de maravilla”. Eso sin contar el trato, o mas bien mal trato, que estos personajes reciben de los niños y/o adolecentes de la casa. El resultado es que la familia educada venezolana (y de gran parte de Sur América) no es capaz de desenvolverse y atender sus propias necesidades (incluyendo la educación de los hijos) sin la “cachifa”. Ya esta situación trasciende de la propia “cachifa”, esta mentalidad se ha inculcado tanto en la sociedad que se ha vuelto parte de la idiosincrasia y la vida cotidiana. Esa mentalidad donde las apariencias y el que dirán dominan por encima de los principios, la ética, y la propia honorabilidad.

Mientras este proceso ocurría, las distancias entre clases y el odio latente crecían; lo único que hacía falta era el elemento catalizador que tomara ventaja de la situación. Pues ocurrió, y ese elemento salió a relucir con traje de socialista y luchador social; pero, para desgracia de estas naciones el traje es un disfraz que esconde los sentimientos mas bajos que ser humano pueda concebir. Este modelo está en pleno desarrollo en muchos, por no decir la mayoría, de los países que conforman la región.

Por otra parte y simultáneamente, esta tergiversación socio/cultural ha traído como consecuencia la necesidad para este sector, el “educado”, de gestionar los recursos a como de lugar para poder sostenerse y mantener esa infraestructura de apariencias que la sociedad le exige. Todo esto ha conllevado a un desarrollo desmesurado de la corrupción, el nuevo “riquismo”, y la creación de un circulo vicioso en espiral que no lleva a otra salida sino al caos y la autodestrucción.

Esto es lo que llamamos el “Síndrome de la Cachifa”.

Lamentablemente, cuando alguien comenta lo que yo, la reacción siempre es defensiva en lugar de reflexiva; al fin y al cabo, es mas fácil romper el espejo que verse en él sus propios defectos.

Por eso es que dicen: ¡cada país tiene el gobierno que se merece!

Nota: Hace días tuvimos el chance de ver una película Panameña denominada “Chance”, se las recomiendo. Cualquier parecido de ésta y lo aquí escrito es pura casualidad.